User centred design

User needs, wants and values:

  • Iterative approach based on feedback from the user
  • Evaluations being used to assess the user experience
  • Profile the users so they remain central to the project
  • Needs, wants and values of the potential user need to be considered at all times, with the development of the product assessing each of these


  • The purpose of the product should be central to the design, otherwise the product will not meet the specification
  • User is heart of decision making, the design should still fulfil its purpose though
  • Although user based, functionality and environmental impact must not be compromised


  • How the product will be used
  • What functions it will perform
  • Ergonomics and anthropometrics are evaluated
  • The ease of use of the product
  • Prototyping and user opinion to check the product is functioning as intended


  • New designs by mixing things together (phone used battery/camera/telephone into one)
  • Used to solve a problem
  • Considering a different material or process
  • Developing a completely new approach to addressing the problem
  • Make use of modern materials/technologies


  • All aspects of the process are being valued by the user
  • Being truly designed with user in mind
  • Run through the entire process of user centred design

Topic test: